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How to change my SiteGround email subscription preferences?

How to change my SiteGround email subscription preferences?

We occasionally send out emails news, product changes, special offers, surveys and more. If you want to configure which of these emails to receive, you can do that through your Client Area > Profile Icon > Notifications Preferences. There you will see the following categories listed:

  • New Features and Company Related News – Our monthly newsletter that includes new information about our products, surveys, and other exciting news;
  • Promotions and Special Offers – Our seasonal promotions and special upgrade deals.

If you are a SiteGround Affiliate, there will be a third category in the list:

  • Affiliate Newsletter & Promotions – Our monthly affiliate newsletter, affiliate campaigns, promotions, and program updates.

To subscribe/unsubscribe yourself to any of these categories, just slide to enable/disable to the desired category.

You can also unsubscribe from a category at any time by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email from these categories.

Note that these settings will not affect the emails related to your account and services, provisioning, orders and billing, critical updates and notifications about services like the WordPress Autoupdates.

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