Website Help
SSL Issues
Why my site is not working after SSL certificate installation?

Why my site is not working after SSL certificate installation?

There are a few checks that you should go through to determine why your website is not working after the SSL certificate installation:

  • Does your application require any specific configuration to work with SSL?

CMS applications like WordPress or Joomla! 3.x require additional configuration to work with SSL.

  • Do you have Cloudflare CDN enabled for the domain name?

The Cloudflare plans support SSL, however, you need to adjust how Cloudflare handle SSL traffic for your website. You need to change SSL Support for your website from ‘Flexible’ to ‘Strict’. In this way, after Cloudflare receive secure requests for your site, they will use another secure request over HTTPS to fetch it from its host server.

You can also read more about the different Cloudflare SSL Support options here.

  • Have you ordered a Dedicated IP?

If you purchased an SSL certificate with a dedicated IP from SiteGround, keep in mind that assigning a dedicated IP to your hosting account also means that your domain’s DNS records will be updated to reflect the new IP. DNS changes take time to propagate and during this time you might still resolve the domain to your account’s old IP address, which might prevent you from opening up the site correctly.

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