Website Help
Multiple Joomla! 3.x websites with a single memcached server

Multiple Joomla! 3.x websites with a single memcached server

SiteGround offers its customers the option to enable Memcached in their Joomla! 3.x applications. Information on how to configure Joomla! 3.x to use Memcached can be found in our Joomla! 3.x Memcached tutorial.

However, when you have more than one Joomla! 3.x instance that uses Memcached, problems with mixed up sessions may appear.

Fortunately, there is a very simple solution – for each Joomla! 3.x instance, you need to set a unique secret word. You can do this by editing the configuration.php file for each Joomla! 3.x installation. The exact line you need to edit is:

public $secret = 'secret_word';

Make sure you change the secret_word string to a unique value for each Joomla! 3.x instance on your account. This secret word is used by the Joomla! 3.x Memcached controller to differentiate between the Joomla! 3.x instances so that their sessions don’t get mixed up.

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