Website Help
Manage Users
What kind of data can users access?

What kind of data can users access?

Collaborator Access

The Collaborator is a user with access to the Site Tools of your site and all its sections without the email management section. A collaborator can access your website’s files, databases, backups, traffic statistics and other information regarding your website which is available in Site Tools. Collaborators have their own Client Area and do not log into yours. Collaborators also don’t have access to your login and profile information, they cannot see your list of users, access and manage the site’s email accounts and purchase paid services.

Collaborators can access the content within the SiteGround Help Center. Collaborators can use the chat support and submit tickets which will be visible to you too. In case you delete the collaborator, you still will be able to access the initiated ticket and support chats.

Client Access

The Client is a user who gets white-lаbel access the Site Tools of the website to which they are added, unless you assign to them a custom role. Our Cloud users can customize their Client’s access through our Roles feature. The Clients will not see the SiteGround logo or branding anywhere in the Site Tools and they don’t have access to your login and profile data. Clients don’t have access to the SiteGround Help Center, but they can take advantage of the pinned knowledge resources in the Site Tools that don’t have SiteGround branding.

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