Website Help
Automatic removal of old files in the /tmp folder

Automatic removal of old files in the /tmp folder

Each website has a folder named “tmp” that is used to store temporary files and is located at /tmp. Your website’s application may use this folder temporarily when you upload images, update themes and plugins, create backups and others. Usually the temporary data is removed shortly after it is generated as it is no longer needed. However in some cases applications may leave the temporary data in this directory and over time the size of the /tmp folder can grow substantially.

To prevent the /tmp folder from unnecessary using too much of your website’s disk space quota, all files older than 2 days in this directory are removed automatically.

If you need to store any data for longer periods than two days you can create a new folder on your website and place the files you want to keep in it. You can use the Site Tools -> File Manager to create the new directory and upload your files.

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