Email Marketing
How to change the design of your emails in SiteGround Email Marketing?

How to change the design of your emails in SiteGround Email Marketing?

SiteGround Email Marketing allows you to change your email design to align with your brand, which can be a game-changer for your email marketing campaigns. A well-crafted, visually appealing email captures your audience’s attention, enhances readability, and boosts engagement.

In this article, we’ll explore how to change your email design and highlight your call-to-action effectively.

How to change the design of your email in SiteGround Email Marketing?

To change the design of your email, navigate to your Client area > Services > Email Marketing > Manage button under your product name.

Screenshot showing How to access the SiteGround Email Marketing service

Head to the Campaigns section of the Email Marketing application and click on the campaign you want to work on.

How to access the Email Builder for a particular campaign in Email Marketing

Clicking on the campaign will launch the Email Builder, where you can change its design from the Design tab.

Screenshot showing The Design tab in the Email Builder for Email Marketing

Under the Design tab, you can edit your email’s Colors, Fonts, Buttons, Header, and Footer.

Resizing images, adding text to images and other image control features are currently not available in the Email Marketing product.

Change email Colors

The Email Builder of the application allows you to change the colors of the buttons and text. To do that, simply click on the Colors section of the Design tab and then hit the Buttons color placeholder.

That will open the color pickers for both button color and text color. You can either type the CSS code of the color you want to use in the designated field or simply slide the dot on the color picker to find your preferred one.

Screenshot displaying How to change the color of your text and buttons in a campaign in Email Marketing

The colors of all buttons change simultaneously according to your selection in the color picker, so you can monitor the changes live.

Colors play a pivotal role in shaping the effectiveness of your email marketing messages. They have the power to evoke emotions, influence perceptions, and guide actions. Moreover, consistent use of brand colors can reinforce brand recognition and trust among your audience.

With all that in mind, SiteGround Email Marketing facilitates your ability to significantly boost the impact of your email messages through custom colors.

Edit the Fonts of your email

Another part of your email you can edit is the Fonts type. You can choose between 5 different fonts by clicking on the Fonts section under the Design tab.

Select a Font you want to use for your email by clicking on one of the font previews in the left sidebar.

Screenshot showing How to change the text fonts in a campaign in Email Marketing

Fonts serve as the visual voice of your content, setting the tone and personality of your message. A well-chosen font can enhance readability, making your message easy to scan and understand. Thus, SiteGround Email Marketing lets you choose between 5 most relevant fonts for email campaigns.

  • Modern
  • Corporate
  • Technical
  • Elegant
  • Impactful

Changing the font from the sidebar alters the text content within your message so you can see the changes in real-time.

Alter the shape of your Buttons

From the Buttons section, you can customize the Shape and Fill of the buttons within your email. You can select between Square, Round, and Pill shaped buttons and fill them with a solid color or just keep an outline bordered fill.

Screenshot showing How to change the shape of buttons in a campaign in Email Marketing

Buttons serve as visual cues, guiding your audience towards taking the desired action, such as clicking to learn more, making a purchase, or signing up for a service. The shape of a button can influence its visibility and clickability.

For example, rounded corners are often perceived as more clickable and friendly. Thus, with our Email Marketing service, you can optimize the shape and fill of your buttons to enhance the user experience and increase click-through rates

Customize your email’s Header

From the Header section of the Design tab, you can slide the toggle to select whether you want a header to show in your message. If you slide the toggle for a header to be shown, you are able to choose what to display – your Brand name or Logo in the message header. Additionally, you can decide between Left, Right, or Center Alignment by clicking on the one you like best.

Screenshot showing How to change the email header's design in Email Marketing

NOTE: You can manage your Brand name & Logo from Email Marketing > Sender Details > Brand identity.

The header is often the first thing your recipients see when they open your email, making it a prime space for branding and engagement. A well-designed header can increase brand recognition, provide immediate context about the email content, and motivate readers to continue scrolling.

Change your email’s Footer

Within the Design tab of our Email Builder, you can also choose whether or not to display your Phone number in the Footer section by sliding the toggle. You can also select between Left, Center, and Right Alignment by clicking on your preference.

Screenshot showing How to change your email footer's design in Email Marketing

NOTE: The content of the Footer containing your Business information can be edited from Sender Details > Business information section.

Including your company details or business information in the footer of an email marketing campaign message is not only a good practice, but a legal requirement. This transparency helps build trust with your audience by clearly identifying who the email is from.

Regulations like the CAN-SPAM Act in the U.S. and the GDPR in Europe require commercial emails to include valid physical postal addresses and other identifying information.

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