Website Help
Speed And Uptime
What does SiteGround do to speed up my website?

What does SiteGround do to speed up my website?

SiteGround manages one of the fastest hosting platforms and constantly upgrades its hardware and software to keep speeding it up. Here are some of the things we do that make our sites load super fast:

  • We use the fastest SSD drives on our shared and Cloud hosting platforms.
  • Our servers run the latest PHP version with build in opcode cache and clients may switch among several versions when needed.
  • Nginx is used as a reverse proxy server. It also caches static resources and speeds up their delivery.
  • We provide a free CDN to all our clients.
  • The Brotli next generation compression mechanism is enabled by default on all our servers.
  • Our unique SuperCacher technology is designed to cache dynamic pages and results from database queries (Memcached is included). It also includes various performance optimization tools for WordPress, which are made available via our Speed Optimizer plugin.

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