Major Change of Our Shared Hosting Infrastructure Starts This Month

Most of our clients know that here at SiteGround we tend to upgrade our hardware quite often. We aim to ensure that all our clients’ sites run on the latest and fastest hardware on the market and when we spot a valuable new piece of hardware, we immediately start testing. This year again, we are getting ready to migrate all of our shared hosting servers to new supercharged monster servers. Unlike other times though, this time we’ll not only upgrade the hardware, but also the whole infrastructure of our shared hosting platform.

The New Platform Uses Linux Containers

We will start using the hottest new virtualization method called “Linux containers” (LXC) for our shared hosting platform. The traditional shared hosting infrastructure is built on separate dedicated servers, split among multiple accounts and every account is limited to use certain resources (CPU, RAM, Disk I/O, etc.). Thanks to the Linux Containers technology, we will be able to create a pool of separate dedicated servers and achieve better distribution and efficiency of their shared resources. The immediate benefits for our clients are:

  • Significant Performance Gains

    Thanks to the Linux containers, we will provide at your disposal a bigger pool of burstable resources, which you can exploit upon demand and sudden traffic spikes. You will have:

    2 times more CPU power
    2 times more Memory resources
    More than 4 x IOPS increase
    More than 2 times read speed increase
    More than 1.5 times write speed increase

  • Vertical Scalability Without Reboot

    The management of the platform will be easier for us and will result in less downtime due to basic maintenance procedures. For example, we will be able to add more RAM, CPU or storage to the platform if needed without restarting the servers.

  • Much Faster Provisioning of Spare Servers

    Currently, when a traditionally configured shared hosting server fails, we have to plug in a spare server and restore all data of the old machine on the new one. This is an extremely time-consuming process. Thanks to the new technology, provisioning a new server or “container” where to replicate the old data is much shorter than before.

All Drives are SSDs

Until now, we were using SSD only for some of the most resource intensive operations like the MySQL. Now, all our drives will be SSDs. The new servers have the following specs:

2xE5-2690v3 CPUs (24 cores)
12x960GB SSDs in RAID10

New Storage Solution for Faster Data Backup and Recovery

Until now, we have always considered storage to be a major bottleneck due to its slowness, especially in critical situations when you actually need to take advantage of that storage and recover some data. So, we were working on building our own backup solution, which is now ready and already live for some of our servers.

  • In-house Developed Backup System

    So far we were using R1Soft backups, which basically makes snapshot of storage and then you have no flexibility how to manage the pieces of that backup as it stays one whole piece of information. Our solution makes a copy of the file system and gives us the flexibility to distribute parts of these files or that data across multiple servers. It also gives us the opportunity to restore the data from multiple machines simultaneously, thus drastically decreasing the restore time.

  • The fastest Infiniband Networking

    To that storage system, we added the fastest possible networking solution – InfiniBand, which significantly speeds up all operations of backing up and recovering data.

All in all, the new storage solution turns out to be 100 times faster than the current one!

Benchmarking Results

We dedicated a lot of time to benchmark the new platform and the results are stunning. We tested the new processors and the new storage that will be used. The following graphs show the differences in terms of performance:

  1. CPU Benchmarking


  2. Storage Read/write IOPS Comparison

  3. Storage Sequential Read Speed Comparison


  4. Storage Sequential Write Speed Comparison


All Shared Hosting Clients Will be Switched to the New Platform

We will be upgrading the infrastructure of all our shared hosting clients (on StartUp, GrowBig and GoGeek plans) entirely for free over the next 3 to 4 months, starting next week. We will be sending emails a few days before the migration is scheduled so you can be prepared.

The migration itself is entirely seamless – no IP or DNS changes are involved and you are not expected to do anything except avoid uploading new content on your account during the migration in order to prevent any data loss. The actual downtime expected is only a few minutes and will happen in the least busy hours of the server we are migrating.

Stay tuned for the migration email and for much better performance of your websites!

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Daniel Kanchev

Director Product Development

Daniel is responsible for bringing new products to life at SiteGround. This involves handling all types of tasks and communication across multiple teams. Enthusiastic about technology, user experience, security and performance, you can never be bored hanging around him. Also an occasional conference speaker and travel addict.

Comments ( 114 )

author avatar

Dale Reardon

Oct 05, 2015

Hi, I was on a Geek plan and upgraded to Cloud. Makes you want to downgrade again for all that extra power! Dale.

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David Pascoe

Oct 05, 2015

I agree, here's hoping the cloud servers get a bump in hw too ! If anyone will be quick to offer a faster server when they can, SiteGround will be the ones. davidp.

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Nov 30, 2015

Soon cloud accounts will get some love too!

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Apr 26, 2016

Hello. Do you now offer in ssd hard disk with raid 10 in cloud hosting too in Asia ???

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Apr 28, 2016

All servers in our Asian DC are now running on SSD drives. We have RAID enabled but on the host node. Individual accounts are container based and they do not need such replication.

author avatar


Jun 04, 2016

@Hristo: Can you suggest what sort of optimizations can be done for WordPress when under your entry-level Cloud server. I initially signed up for GoGeek, which was very good..but upgraded to Cloud for more power. Then the sever response time and (uncached) page-load times became very poor. I even scaled up RAM and extra CPU core. But no improvements. Later I gone back to GoGeek. And yes, I posted support tickets but they couldn't fix it. GoGeek really rocks!

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jun 06, 2016

To be honest, it really depends on the site itself and the way it utilizes resources. The GoGeek account is really, really powerful one and for certain websites can be better than the Entry Cloud. If you don't require speciffic services or configurations, unavailable on Geek, I would upgrade directly to the Business Cloud. However, 8GB Ram is quite a lot and I wonder whether you've used most of that server. Unfortunatelly, without access to the website on the real environment I can't give more precise advice about optimizing it.

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Oct 06, 2015

Incredible! So glad I switched hosting services to Siteground! Keep up the great work. :-)

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Saurabh Singh

Oct 06, 2015

I am so happy finally Sg heard me. I was facing performance issue. I hope it will be fixed soon. All the best Siteground team.

author avatar


Oct 06, 2015

Awesome! Good Job! Another happy customer ;)

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

I am still a very satisfied customer with Siteground. They are one of a kind in this business. It's great to see that you are always trying to improve your services and infrastructure. Please keep up this level of support and quality !

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

In case of (speed) trouble - who do you call? SiteGround! :-) Another very happy and long time customer...

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

I wanted to move to a Cloud hosting plan for more performance, but now I just have to wait a few months for the upgrade of my GoGeek plan. SiteGround thank you for your great service quality. You are incredible !

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

¡¡You said RAID-10 with SSD disks!!... the performance will be espectacular Great news If you need voluntaries to test, feel free to start with my share hosting plan. Regards,

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

Sounds cool, but please, please tell me that this will not affect the performance of our sites and blogs or cause problems that we have to fix. *Every* time in the past few years that a service I've subscribed to (I won't name names) has announced an "upgrade" I've experienced MAJOR problems and headaches in the aftermath.

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Oct 09, 2015

We'll do our best to make it as smooth as possible!

author avatar


Jan 15, 2016

If it goes smoothly for you, would you post a reply saying as much? It's good to know when a service gets it right!

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

Awesome! And thanks for the advanced warning/explanation.

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

Excelent news!!!

author avatar

Franc Karpo

Oct 07, 2015

I love Siteground. My only issue was site speed. But this is generally true with shared hosting, no matter who you are with. It sounds like with the upgrade, SG will be the Usain Bolt of shared hosting. :-) I will run a site speed test before and after the migration of all my sites and record the actual differences.

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Julie Patton

Oct 07, 2015

Thanks for the heads up. We are very happy with your service so far, and your ongoing communication makes our lives in this business stress free.

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

Yeah, we also upgraded to Cloud and well... we can't say we were blown away and now this. Oh SG You should at lease primise something to clud customers or You get a loot od downgrades ;) Cheers!

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John Nadeau

Oct 07, 2015

Wow!!!! Go SiteGround!!!! Thanks!

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

Wouah. Excellent. SiteGround is really the best choice for Joomla website. And again thank you for your excellent helpdesk's chat. Regard.

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

Super news! Hats off :) Pat

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

Amazing! I am so happy for switching my hosting to SiteGround! Kepp up the good work! :)

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Julie is Hostess At Heart

Oct 07, 2015

I am not a geek, and rely so much on Siteground to keep my blog running smoothly. I can't thank you enough for all you do behind the scenes!

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

'Avoid uploading new content on your account during the migration in order to prevent any data loss', I run a social website where users upload new content, how can I possibly ask my users to stop using the website when its meant to be social?? This is going to be a pain in the rear for me, considering I'm doing a very big push in the next month :(

author avatar


Nov 09, 2015

They said it will only be down for a few minutes. I would just put a "Maintenance - we will be back in a few" message and when the transfers are done start it back up... or you can not; up to you :)

author avatar

Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Nov 10, 2015

Hi Jeffrey, Unfortunately, in this case we cannot put maintenance pages because the web servers that handle the traffic towards the sites are also migrated to the new hosting machines.

author avatar


Jan 15, 2016

William, I would suggest adding a plugin or even just some JavaScript that will disable upload for some time around the maintenance period. When you get the email from SG telling you the time of your server's upgrade, you can post a notice at the top of your users' feeds telling them when to expect this. Unless your Facebook, you've got to expect some downtime for upgrades.

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

Looking forward to this!

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Chocky Sihombing

Oct 07, 2015

Wohooo!! can't wait to see the best performance of SiteGround :D

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Alfredo Garcia

Oct 07, 2015

You guys ROCK! So glad I chose SiteGround as my hosting service! Keep up the good work!

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

Recently moved to SiteGround from another host that was not only giving me slower performance, but also the cold shower with slow customer service -- think 10, 11 days to respond! So happy I found and moved to SG!!!

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Oct 07, 2015

Wow guys this is a great news. You are really the best choice I could have done for my website :)) Many thanks

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

Will this change affect reseller accounts?

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Oct 09, 2015

Yes, all shared accounts will benefit from this update :)

author avatar


Oct 07, 2015

As a very satisfied customer I have to say, this is one of the main reasons why I am so satisfied. Not only are they at the forefront of the latest tech, but their customer service is second to none. Keep it up! I'm am proud to say I have you guys as part of our team. And while our site is still undergoing heavy development, it is exactly what a community organization like ours needs to suceed. As an open to everyone community think-tank, our community is very excited about the deployment of our website to go along with the services we provide as a civic duty. Thanks again for everything!

author avatar

Muhammad Khurram

Oct 08, 2015

Hello, We have recently changed our hosting from Other to Siteground. We have really a fantastic experience of great customer support. All the staff are very experienced and ready to help to solve the problems any time. Our Magento store is with good speed while it was hosted on Siteground Hosting. Now it is big news for about SSD Drives and surely it we boost the sites. Thanks Sitegournd team for such great services. Khurram

author avatar


Oct 08, 2015

When will the cloud servers be updated?

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Oct 09, 2015

They are on a different upgrade plan.

author avatar

Philip Wade

Oct 08, 2015

I can't pretend I understand all the technical jargon but it sounds like a wonderful step forward to me. I really value Siteground's approach to customer care and support. Thank you.

author avatar


Oct 08, 2015

I have recently joined Siteground after spending a decade with another well-know hosting provider. Reading this post makes me wonder why I did not join SG any sooner. The LXC strategy, hardware specs and I/O performance benchmarks mentioned are up-to-date with current trends. I should know as I am a systems technical architect for a reputable server vendor and I very much look forward to putting the new infrastructure through its paces. It appears SG is committed to staying ahead of its competition. Keep it up SG, and your prices down to remain the market leader!

author avatar


Oct 08, 2015

That just proves that you are the best among the best! I was on the lookout for good hosting for years, and now that I found SiteGround I thought it can't get any better - but as it turns out - it can! I love your enthusiasm, but I love your hardware even more. This simply warms up my heart : All new servers have the following specs: 2xE5-2690v3 CPUs (24 cores) 256GB RAM 12x960GB SSDs in RAID10 THX :)

author avatar


Oct 08, 2015

Thanks to SiteGround! I have gotten great response from your tech people when I had a question, and up-time is great!

author avatar


Oct 08, 2015

Great news. I love it that I have found a company like Siteground. Your support if first class, and you continue to innovate and improve. What is really obvious to me is that you understand that your customers are the most important aspect of your business. It's amazing how many companies don't get that. Look at Hostgator for example... ;) Keep up the great work guys!

author avatar


Oct 08, 2015

Will we be notified when the transfer is complete and it is safe to start adding new content?

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Oct 09, 2015

Yes, we will be as detailed as possible with our communication!

author avatar


Oct 08, 2015

Nice news! I hope you will consider extending the limit of email account size because they are a big limitation for an IMAP usage nowadays. Thank you

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Oct 09, 2015

I will talk with my colleagues about that, thanks for the feedback!

author avatar


Oct 08, 2015

You always surprise me with the continuous updates. I really glad to be one of your clients, and I proudly and confidently say that you are the best Web Hosting!. Thank you for your effort to make our business easier ^^.

author avatar

Hari shiva rama krishna

Oct 08, 2015

Iam a new user of far customer service is good to me. I hope this will continue in future..Thank u to siteground..

author avatar

Bob Schecter

Oct 09, 2015

Recently migrated my sites from HostGator, GoDaddy, and Arvixe, all of which were consistently having "issues" and always on my mind. Since moving to SiteGround, I realize that if not for your blog updates, I don't give my hosting accounts much thought. That's a good thing! Thanks.

author avatar


Oct 10, 2015

Hope this will not affect new site set-up? Can I still set up new sites for my clients while you are upgrading? Is an upgrade going to be automatic for new sites?

author avatar

Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Oct 12, 2015

The creation of new hosting accounts will not be affected. If you want to edit your existing sites or add more sites to an existing account then please don't do it during the maintenance period (we'll send you a notification 48 hours prior to migrating the server which hosts your accounts).

author avatar

Steve Petrie

Oct 10, 2015

Question #1: Will this upgrade to the SiteGround infrastructure be 100% transparent, for a customer using only the SiteGround POP3 & SMTP email hosting service? Question #2: Will the infrastructure upgrade be 100% transparent for POP3 & SMTP hosting, using a customer-owned domain name, that is registered externally (to SG) with both: (1) domain name registration provider, and (2) DNS hosting service provider? Question #3: Am I forced to subscribe to this blog, to receive answers to my two questions? I always read the occasional SiteGround emailed newsletter I receive (it's why I'm here at this blog now). But I prefer not to have to subscribe to this blog, in order to see responses to my two questions (lack of time, not lack of interest). * * * Praise For SiteGround: I came to SiteGround for POP3 & SMTP email hosting, after a long and painful trek through the cruel jungle of Internet email hosting service providers. The SG support team were so knowledgeable and helpful, during the entire switchover process, that out of respect for SG professionalism, I felt myself challenged as a customer to make sure I did everything I could, to work to the same high standard of quality, at my end of the support dialog. Since my switchover to SiteGround, the POP3 & SMTP email hosting has performed flawlessly. Zero problems. It's just there and it works. Thanks to SiteGround for providing such a happy ending to my long hard email journey !! :) * * * The website I am currently building (PHP, PostgreSQL, Apache) is hosted at another hosting service provider, where I'm setting up DragonFlyBSD as the OS. I plan to keep that project there, for a number of reasons, including that the quality of the customer support there, is at the same oh-so-rare level of high excellence as I experience at SiteGround. However, I will certainly keep SiteGround in mind, as a possibility for future new website projects.

author avatar

Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Oct 12, 2015

Hi Steve and thank you for the kind words and for being our customer! Let me address your questions one at a time: 1. The migration will be transparent and you will not have to change any settings on your end. 2. The migration to the new infrastructure will be transparent because the IP addresses used on the servers will be preserved. This means that your domains will continue to resolve to the same IPs - the IPs will just be migrated to other machines. 3. There is no need to subscribe to the blog in order to have your questions answered. We do our best to answer every single question in a timely manner :)

author avatar


Oct 13, 2015

What about time execution limit in php? . Is a nightmare to insert products on prestashop or Magento in a shared hosting. Increase it , please

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Oct 14, 2015

It's already pretty high, probably you're reaching other timeout, please contact us via the Help Desk so our team can check out why is that happening.

author avatar

Patrick Odhiambo

Oct 14, 2015

I have not received any emails from 9th October 2015. Kindly advise if there is any technical issues

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Oct 15, 2015

Please, open a ticket in your Help Desk, our support team will happily assist you.

author avatar


Oct 16, 2015

Ear Hristo , this sounds perfect but , all those things are doubled , double speed , double ram ..woow but but What happens with INODES ????? why the most important is not considered again.. Could you double INODES from 450.000 to 900.000 on shared as I can't use it makes no sense to have DIsc Space 30GB ( without increasing Inodes) Example I use on 3 GB from 30 GB but can't add more beacuse INODES limits at least offer 700.000 would be a big step on GOOGEEK PLAN also able to pay 10 $ / year more , listen to your Customers.. Hope will get a answer !!

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Oct 19, 2015

We will take your comment into consideration and hopefully will be able to increase that number too. Thank you for your feedback!

author avatar

Gerry King

Oct 15, 2015

Hi, This sounds excellent however I'm concerned with one big limitation that I've discovered with my GrowBig account; the fact that I can only have 1 SSL certificate on the account. I've experienced excellent customer service however the way that WordPress is going now a lot of my customers are deciding that they would like e-commerce functionality added to their website either for a shop or a events or membership feature. Quite often this is something that is decided after initial launch of the website, each time this happens (once the initial 1 SSL has been used) there will be a need to upgrade to a different hosting account. I've signed up as an affiliate but discovering this has made me less likely to refer people to Siteground. This limitation should be made clearer in your marketing and a good alternative should be offered. I've looked at your re-seller plan as an alternative but data limits per site appear to be much smaller than your other accounts and other hosting companies. Thanks, Gerry

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Oct 19, 2015

At this point, we're using cPanel to manage our hosting accounts. It's a cPanel limitation that you can have only one SSL per account. In this case, I would recommend that you open separate accounts (even StartUp ones if they aren't very popular) for separate websites.

author avatar

Mike Kay

Jan 22, 2018

That is an incorrect statement, at least at the time you wrote this. I have just signed up with a hosting that allows installing of SSL certificates on multiple domains, on the same shared hosting account.

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jan 22, 2018

Hey Mike, That post is from 2015. Back then things were like that. Now, you can have multiple certificates on all our accounts without the need of a dedicated IP address or anything else.

author avatar


Jan 15, 2016

Gerry, I debate this often myself. It's a real pain when you need multiple sites hosted with different domain names on one account, such as a WordPress multisite network. NameCheap has really good prices on multi-domain and wildcard SSL certificates. My beef with SG is that they block access in cPanel that would allow us to install certs on our own, and charge $50/year to install a 3rd party cert in addition to the dedicated IP fee. Go Daddy lets us install our own certs in their standard packages. Cloud services like Cloudways have a good interface for installing an SSL per application. I believe that SiteGround's cloud hosting would also allow you to host each client in their own cPanel account, giving them the flexibility to add SSL later without needing to move hosting, but I think SG still doesn't allow us to install our own certs, which is completely obnoxious.

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jan 18, 2016

The problem isn't and hever has been about allowing the tool in cPanel. It's hidden for purpose and that's not to charge you for our SSL certificates. IPs are the actuall issue, you can't assign a certificate to cPanel account without having an IP address for it on a shared server. However, you can get a dedicated IP address and then request your certificated to be installed from your User Area -> Add Service -> External SSL Install. Hope that helps :)

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Muhammad Imran

Oct 15, 2015

woww... . my next hosting will be SiteGround :)

author avatar


Oct 19, 2015

Great news, is all shared plans on the new infrastructure ? we already tested the old one and found it not much performant, we are ready to return if the new one will be as mentioned !

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Oct 20, 2015

That's strange, even the old infrastructure was amongst the fastest accounts you can get. However, we're currently performing scheduled upgrades of all shared servers. Shortly they all will be working on the new infrastructure.

author avatar


Oct 22, 2015

Thank you, our joomla website have many extensions and its little bit heavy, i am just purchasing a new gogeek pack and seems to be not migrated yet :( hope its soon.

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Joshua Wilson

Oct 30, 2015

Great News! i can not wait for the upgrades. :) Thank you greatly for this. By any chance will the new servers be using HTTP/2?

author avatar

Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Nov 02, 2015

Hi Joshua, The new servers do support HTTP/2 and a new blog post about it is on the way :)

author avatar

Zoran Filipović

Oct 31, 2015

Thanks SiteGround for this major upgrade. You are awesome!

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G Bell

Nov 03, 2015

Question: What's better than the promise of super performance? Answer: The actual delivery of super performance.

author avatar


Nov 19, 2015

Any chance the Linux containers will give you the ability to start offering NodeJS or the full MEAN stack?

author avatar

Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Nov 23, 2015

I am afraid that we'll not be able to offer the MEAN stack and Node.js on our shared servers. The purpose of the migration is to offer faster and more stable service. In future we may add full support for Node.js on our cloud plans.

author avatar

Tom Fotheringham

Mar 13, 2017

Has support for Node.js been added since 2015?

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Mar 14, 2017

You can do it per account. Check out this article for more info:

author avatar

Billy Parker

Nov 25, 2015

Interested to see the results, I currently have a Magento site hosted on GoGeek (10+modules installed). At the moment I get a 3-5s TTFB plus constant 502 Bad Gateway when I re-index and try to search for upgrades in connect . I was considering either moving to a cheaper dedicated platform or cloud with Siteground (I know Magento sites should be dedicated). I think with these new performance upgrades I will hang around. I have received an email to say I will be migrated on Saturday, November 28, 01:00 AM - 06:00 AM CET.

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Nov 27, 2015

It should be better, however, I can't tell exactly how much better for a particular site :) I guess the best way would be to wait for tomorrow!

author avatar

Josh Lewis

Nov 27, 2015

The new upgrade is absolutely fantastic! :-D Without caching my pages, they are going lightning fast (lots of media/text on each page). I can't wait to test this out with caching. Bravo Siteground for this great gift to us. I may have to invest in getting SSD for the future. Supposedly PHP 7 is up to twice as fast (probably will be released in December). Hoping this gets included in SiteGround when tested appropriately. Thanks for continuing to inspire us with awesome service and not willing to settle for just a great one.

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Nov 30, 2015

We already have RC7 available on our servers:

author avatar

Brandon Ferguson

Dec 02, 2015

HRISTO PANDJAROv, I was told by support that PHP 7 wasn't available on shared servers. Can I get a clear answer on this? Thanks

author avatar

Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Dec 03, 2015

Hi Brandon, I can confirm that PHP 7 is available on our shared hosting plans. You can enable PHP 7 from your cPanel -> PHP Version Manager tool.

author avatar

Brandon Ferguson

Dec 03, 2015

Hello, I have been getting between 500-800ms server response time. I would have expected better results with the upgraded servers. Google recommends 200ms or less.

author avatar

Dave Reasons

Dec 11, 2015

WAHOO!! I knew there was a reason I transferred all of my sites to SG away from WebHostingBust. I'll be looking forward to all of my sites on SSD. Thanks SG

author avatar


Dec 18, 2015

Are all servers upgraded yet? I never got an email about migration. While I have no problem with cached frontend, I'm often seeing a slow backend in WP. Would love it if there was an upgrade on the way to my GoGeek account that would boost this part :-)

author avatar

Kiril Hristov

Dec 22, 2015

Hello Nicolai, not all servers are upgraded yet. Migrations will still be happening in at least the next 2 months, so just be patient :)

author avatar


Jan 11, 2016

Hi Daniel, My GoGeek account was updated over the weekend and the tests I ran before and after show on average a 1 second faster page load for all my WordPress sites. The home pages on customers sites now load between 28% and 36% faster. This is a great news worthy story to tell my customers and as an added bonus the WordPress admin I spend a lot of time in is significantly faster making me more productive throughout the day. The migration was seamless from my perspective so a big thank you from me to you and your team.

author avatar

Daniel Kanchev Siteground Team

Jan 12, 2016

Hi Will, I am glad that your sites hosted on your GoGeek account work much faster now.

author avatar

Neil Robertson

Jan 12, 2016

Hi Daniel, I look after three SiteGround shared hosting accounts (including my own) with about seven Joomla websites which have been migrated over the last few days. I ran before and after GTMetrix reports on all the websites and on average, they are loading about 1 second slower than before which is disappointing. Dynamic Cache has been enabled on all the websites since before the migtration. Is there anything else I can do to improve the page load speed? Thanks

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jan 13, 2016

If you're experiencing such issues, please post a ticket in your help desk and provide us with more information about: - all accounts and websites you're experiencing issues with; - the actual GTmetrix reports from the old host so that we can run tests and make a comparison. We need to know what to check and what to compare with; This way we will be able to investigate and help you improve the performance of your sites.

author avatar

Neil Robertson

Jan 13, 2016

Thanks, I'm doing that now.

author avatar

Neil Robertson

Jan 13, 2016

I reran the GTMetrix reports a few times (rather than relying on one report for each website) and the results came back more favourably! On average, the sites are loading slightly faster than before which is awesome. Thanks very much SiteGround! :)

author avatar


Jan 19, 2016

Since my account is already on a GoGeek and my understanding is it uses SSD drives! What will be the difference between a GoGeek account, and the GrowBig account as far as SSD? I've been very pleased with SG since day one but the only thing I've been dealing with is the 894ms Blocking GTmetrix always showed me! I've been in the web design and SEO for years, and hosted with many different hosting companies (big hosting companies that should remain nameless because they are shameless) and never a hosting company ever provided me, or my client, such exceptional services and that is why I give SG an overall score of 10 out of 10 score!

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jan 25, 2016

It really depends on the particular site what exact effect it will have. Furthermore, if you serve cached content it will come from the server's RAM in both cases so you will not see a difference. They, however, greatly improve the overall server speed and stability and have positive effect especially for sites that have high database usage.

author avatar

Michael Bourne

Jan 25, 2016

Not trying to beat a dead horse, but earlier it was asked if these upgrades (or any) would be applied to cloud hosting plans, and it was answered that cloud servers have an upgrade in the works of their own. Was this schedule or plan officially announced? I've been thinking of upgrading to a cloud plan and bringing a medium sized multisite over, want to plan it around major upgrades if I can. Any word on when and what that is? Cheers

author avatar

Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jan 26, 2016

All our new Cloud accounts are already running on the new LXC technology and the existing ones are being upgraded on a schedule and soon all will be done. This means, that if you upgrade to cloud, you will be on a container :)

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dave ascher

Feb 07, 2016

NO measurable improvement in my site after the upgrade (January 23). Support NOW says that no performance improvement should be expected. This is all just to benefit server management. Maybe fewer instances of the server getting overloaded. This is VERY disappointing to me - and I would think to all the enthusiastic posters above. I suspect that we might have seen some performance improvements if SG had not focussed on cramming more sites into fewer physical servers.

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Feb 08, 2016

Hello Dave, I can assure you that the new infrastructure provides a lot more resources and allows your site to run a lot faster. A single account now actually has access to way more resources than before. However, I've checked your website with one of my favorite tools and it reported few performance issues that are slowing your website down. I would recommend that you run your site through this test and try to fix as many of the reported issues, as possible. Note, that an infrastructure upgrade can give you frew pressious miliseconds but an unoptimized image can slow the loading of your site way more.

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Feb 13, 2016

God I love Siteground :) No regrets!

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Feb 16, 2016

Hi, I will Amsterdam also get the SSD upgrade? Thanks, Arien

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Feb 16, 2016

Yep :) They will get the same treatment as the USA ones.

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Jun 12, 2016

@Hristo: Thanks for your reply on my query regarding cloud server optimizations for WordPress. Indeed, GoGeek seems more powerful than entry cloud, but at half the cost. Wait time alone was around 2s (compared to around 200-400ms in GoGeek). That's what stumps me. I always thought (entry) cloud is powerful than GoGeek. My site receives approx 7K uniques per day, and I'm happy to be in GoGeek plan for now.

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jun 13, 2016

It's a different type of hosting that has alot of other advantages :) With proper caching, your side should be just fine.

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Nov 10, 2017

Any love for dedicated servers? I feel SG's dedicated servers are starting to lack behind in technology.

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Angelina Micheva

Nov 13, 2017

Hi Dany, Please note the geeky mode of the dedicated servers available via the performance booster has almost all the goodies we have on the shared plans, of course the LXC container technology just does not make sense in this context.

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Jan 16, 2018

You guys really have created a monster, or rather a whole network of supercharged monsters! Just moved from a VPS at another company who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty, and your GoGeek shared servers are at least 5 times faster and cost about 5 times less than my previous VPS. And all I had to do was take you up on your offer of a free move, and a tiny little bit of tweaking/activating cache etc, and our site is flying! Done. Now we can get on with actually being creative, we can get on with what we initially set out to do, instead of spending countless hours/days/weeks trying to get poorly configured servers/hosts to play ball. From +30 second page loads, to under 10, just wow. SG = Money well spent!

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Isa Al

Jan 18, 2018

Hey may I know the specifications of your VPS Cloud Entry? mainly the Cores specifications? Thanks

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Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team

Jan 18, 2018

Check out our cloud hosting page:


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