Team Building 2012 – another peak we've conquered together!

2,925 m /9,596 ft high

Having slept over the SiteGround team building that was held this weekend, I suddenly realized how symbolic the event was. It all started, when few of the key SiteGrounders decided that we should aim for the top of the highest mountain peak around (2,925m / 9,596ft high). At the hiking day the weather was far from friendly with strong chilly wind and occasional gusts of rain. At first many people were skeptical about reaching the top, as the track itself was not an easy one. However, at each obstacle there were two forces that helped us move further up: first, the contagious enthusiasm of the people ahead of you and second, the reassuring support from the people next to you.

At the end SiteGround was at the top – satisfied not only that it has reached the aim, but even more that it has inspired so many people to achieve more than they have ever believed is possible. I think we pretty much do the same in our day-to-day work. We have brave and ambitious goals set by the SiteGround visionaries. The whole team works to achieve them together, with each person being inspired to redefine his/her own boundaries.

It’s been a hard day’s night!

And after this challenging and rewarding day it was party time!!! And at SiteGround we know how to have fun: pool jumping, acoustic guitar and singing under the night sky, crazy dancing with vibes by our very own DJ – Anton from the Sales department, are only few of the things we did 🙂

We are now back in the office – batteries re-charged and moving ahead together on our usual track towards the next peak in the web hosting!

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Lilyana Yakimova

Product Owners Team Lead

I have been with SiteGround since it was born and it has always amazed me to watch this company grow and develop its unique personality.

Comments ( 13 )

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Sep 19, 2012

The best team building ever!

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Sep 19, 2012

The inner satisfaction and happiness I felt when we climbed that peak all together cannot really be described with words - I am super proud with all of us, and once again realized how lucky I am to be part of this great team! Rock on, team SiteGround! To the next peak we conquer together :)

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Sep 20, 2012

Wow, congrats to you guys for making to the top! Heck, even without the mountain climb, you all have always been tops in the Joomla world. Thanks for the climbing suggestion that me and my team deserves. ;)

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Sep 20, 2012

Looks awesome! :)

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Hristo Siteground Team

Sep 20, 2012

Missed this one but will make it up for the next TB :)

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Sep 20, 2012

Awesome pics! Another win-win from !! :)

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Sep 21, 2012

That was the best team building ever! It will be hard to top that one, but on the other hand we always like challenges ;)

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DJ Antony

Sep 21, 2012

@Dimitar Challenge accepted! ;)

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Sep 22, 2012

I've always had a personal inclination for exquisite things and was not an exception for my web hosting. Kudos to ya'all.

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Forum Retreat

Sep 29, 2012

That's called a perfect team building effort. I really appreciate with this energetic and enthusiastic performance as well as this blog. Undoubtedly, team building played an important role for any organization or team success. Thanks for the great job and well informative share.. :)

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Oct 05, 2012

That was really incredible! Amazing place shared with awesome colleagues!

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Jan 04, 2013

congrats that you found your peak in this case the mountain peak ,Kudos to ya’all

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Mar 11, 2013

Great team building event...


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