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PHP 8.2 Becomes the Default PHP Version on All SiteGround Servers

As of today, PHP 8.2 is the default PHP version on the SiteGround hosting servers. PHP 8.2 has been available on our servers for quite some time, right after its release, and since then anyone was able to use it for their site through our PHP management tool. We are now making it the default PHP since it is already considered fully compatible with all applications on our infrastructure and is the version actively supported by the official PHP developers. Our clients will start enjoying the improved performance and security, as well as the new functionalities included in PHP 8.2 out of the box.

New sites are now created on PHP 8.2 

All newly created sites are automatically configured to use PHP 8.2. This ensures that your new projects will take advantage of this PHP version right from their start.

Existing sites WITH Managed PHP service will be gradually updated by us

We are beginning to update all sites using our Managed PHP service to PHP 8.2. We are committed to ensure that this process goes as smoothly as possible and we will provide all the necessary information and support during the transition. 

  • You will be notified via email when your site(s) are scheduled for upgrade, giving you enough time to check and test them thoroughly, ensuring they are compatible with PHP 8.2. 
  • As part of our Expert Care services you will also be able to request a PHP compatibility check by our experts. 
  • Your current PHP version will remain available after the update, so you will be able to revert to it with a click through our PHP management tool if you need more time to work on your site’s compatibility.

Existing sites WITHOUT Managed PHP service should also consider updating  

We strongly recommend clients who are not using our Managed PHP service to upgrade to PHP 8.2 manually. PHP versions lower than 8.2 are no longer supported by the official developers and come with a security risk, and/or have reached end of life, which is when we have to remove them from our servers. The oldest PHP version now available on our servers – PHP 7.3 – will be removed in 2025.

Why Upgrade to PHP 8.2?

PHP 8.2 offers a number benefits, that would positively affect your site: 

  • PHP 8.2 guarantees faster execution time and reduced resource usage. Compared to PHP 7.4, which was the last default version before 8.2, PHP 8.2 has significantly better performance based on all the benchmark tests we have seen.
  • It offers access to the latest PHP functionalities and improvements, which you may check out in our previous article on the topic written by the PHP Evangelist Cal Evans.
  • Some of the new functionalities, such as the Read-Only properties and Deprecation of Dynamic properties end up generating a more secure code out of the box, which ultimately means a more secure website.
  • It is fully compatible with other software hosted on our platform. All major applications such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. have already added support for PHP 8.2. 
  • It is considered mature and is the main version actively supported by the PHP core developers, which guarantees it is kept well patched and secure.

Daniel Kanchev

Director Product Development

Daniel is responsible for bringing new products to life at SiteGround. This involves handling all types of tasks and communication across multiple teams. Enthusiastic about technology, user experience, security and performance, you can never be bored hanging around him. Also an occasional conference speaker and travel addict.

Comments ( 4 )

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Louis Dallara

Jun 01, 2024

What version, I just upgraded to PHP 8.2.19, there are newer versions, which do you recommend ? The auto update does work?

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Lina Asenova Siteground Team

Jun 03, 2024

Hey there, thank you for your question. In the blog post, we discuss the default PHP version on all SiteGround servers. You can manage and change the PHP version of your website directly from Site Tools > Devs > PHP Versions. Currently, the latest version we support is PHP 8.3.7. While we don’t specifically recommend one version over another, it's crucial to choose a PHP version that is compatible with your site's code. We advise regularly updating your site's core, plugins, and themes to maintain compatibility with newer PHP versions and to benefit from improved performance, security, and compatibility features. Regarding your question about auto-updates, it seems you are referring to our Autoupdate tool. This tool is designed to update the WordPress core and plugins if enabled, but it does not affect the PHP version used by your site. We hope this clarifies. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out directly to our support team by following the steps outlined here: We are available 24/7 and would be happy to assist you!

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Jun 02, 2024

Can I use your platform even though Im based in South Africa? I tried to reserve domain but it rejected that one stating you are not serving this region

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Lina Asenova Siteground Team

Jun 03, 2024

Hello, thank you for reaching out and for your interest in SiteGround. We regret to inform you that, at the moment, our services are not available for new sign-ups in some regions, including South Africa. We understand that people search for quality hosting everywhere, and we hope that in the future we will have the opportunity to offer our services in more regions.


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