Website Help
SSL Issues
How long does it take for the SSL to be installed?

How long does it take for the SSL to be installed?

Let’s Encrypt SSL installations are immediate and the SSL is active for your domain as soon as the installation is completed.

If you have ordered Premium WildCard SSL certificate, the installation time is usually within a couple of hours. However, it may be delayed by:

  • Missing webmaster@yourdomain.com email account. Although WildCard SSL certificate installation is automatic, there are cases when the SSL order might have to be manually verified before the SSL is issued. In these cases, verification is done via email sent to webmaster@yourdomain.com.
  • Existing SSL installation. In case there is an SSL already installed for your domain, the automatic installation will fail until the SiteGround team has checked with you whether to remove the existing SSL. This is done over a ticket, automatically posted on your behalf in our Help Center.
  • SSL orders might also be delayed for additional review by GlobalSign – SiteGround’s SSL vendor. This is based on specific keywords in the domain/organization the SSL is being issued for. The additional review is usually completed within 24 hours. However, in some situations, it can be prolonged. GlobalSign might also request information about your website and business during the process.
  • If you have opted for a dedicated IP with the SSL installation, your domain name’s DNS records will have to be updated to match the new IP of your account. DNS changes require up to 72 hours to take effect worldwide, although this usually happens within hours. However, your domain will be resolved to the old IP of your hosting account anywhere where the changes have not yet taken effect, and your website might not be accessible from these locations. The site itself will be up and running – it is simply a matter of the DNS changes propagating worldwide.

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