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SSL Issues
How to select the best SSL for my site?

How to select the best SSL for my site?

We offer several SSL options:

  1. Let’s Encrypt SSL (free) – this is a standard SSL, valid for 90 days and issued for free. After it expires, our system will automatically renew it for you. Recommended for small size websites. Select it from Site Tools > Security > SSL Мanager > Select SSL > Let’s Encrypt.
  2. Let’s Encrypt Wildcard SSL (free) – it allows you to protect all subdomains of your domain, including the main domain. This SSL is valid for 90 days and is issued for free. After it expires, our system will automatically renew it for you. Recommended for medium size websites. Select it from Site Tools > Security > SSL Manager > Let’s Encrypt Wildcard.
  3. Premium Wildcard SSL (paid) – this SSL is valid for one year. It is issued by a trusted SSL vendor (GlobalSign), protects all subdomains of your domain, and includes a dynamic site seal. Recommended for large business sites. Select it from Site Tools > Security > SSL Manager > Premium Wildcard.

Learn more about secure certificates in this episode of our podcast.

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