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How to connect to FileZilla?

How to connect to FileZilla?

Establish FTP connection

We will start with the FTP connection establishment. Open your FileZilla installation and enter the following details:

  • Hostname – the server hostname;
  • Username – enter the FTP username;
  • Password – enter the corresponding FTP password;
  • Port – enter the FTP port (by default it is 21).

To find your FTP credentials go to Site Tools > Site > FTP Accounts. Choose the account you wish to use, or if you do not have yet an account, create one. Then go to Actions > FTP credentials.

Once you fill in the login details, click on Quickconnect.

Manage Files Using FileZilla

If you have a web site created on your local computer, you will want to make it live by uploading its files on your web server. The root folder for the web site content is public_html. Select the web site files in the Local site area. Drag and drop them in the public_html folder under the Remote site area. In this way, they will be accessible through your domain name.

Sometimes you need to edit a file’s code and update the web site functionality. Right-click on the chosen file and pick the View/Edit option.

The file will be opened in the default text editor. Edit it and then save the changes. The FTP client will recognize the file modifications. It will prompt you whether to upload the modified file back on the server and delete the local copy from your computer.

The other actions which you can perform on the files and folders are:

  • Download – this option allows you to download files and folders from the remote server to your local computer;
  • Add files to queue – allows to schedule a later transfer of the files;
  • Create Directory – allows you to create a new folder under your current location;
  • Create Directory and enter it – allows you to create a new folder under your current location and automatically change the location to that folder;
  • Create New File – allows you to create a new folder under your current location;
  • Refresh – allows you to refresh the folder’s content and review the latest changes;
  • Delete – using it you can delete files and folders;
  • Rename – you can rename files and folders;
  • File permissions – allows you to change the file permissions of files and folders; You can alter the owner, the group and the public permissions.

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