Website Help
I am seeing a CAPTCHA page on my website

I am seeing a CAPTCHA page on my website

Bot traffic is a significant issue for many websites. It is often used to bruteforce logins and launch denial-of-service attacks, which can severely impact a website’s performance and security. To combat this problem, we have implemented a CAPTCHA system as part of our Antibot AI system.

How does our Antibot AI system work?

Our Antibot AI system uses CAPTCHA to distinguish between human visitors and bots. When a visitor attempts to access a page on your website, they may be redirected to a CAPTCHA page located at yourdomainname.com/.well-known/captcha. This page will present the visitor with a CAPTCHA challenge.

Once the CAPTCHA is successfully solved, indicating that the visitor is indeed human, their IP address or user agent is whitelisted in our system. This means that they should no longer see the CAPTCHA page during their current and future visits to your website.

Why is this important?

By implementing this system, we can significantly reduce the amount of bot traffic on your website. This not only improves your website’s performance but also enhances its security by preventing bruteforce login attempts and denial-of-service attacks. It also reduces your account’s resource usage so only the legitimate traffic uses the available server resources.

In conclusion, seeing a CAPTCHA page on your website is a sign that our Antibot AI system is actively working to protect your site from harmful bot traffic.

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